Friday, September 24, 2010

Creating VENTURES through Entrepreneurial thinking

Great Dreamers' dreams are never fulfilled...they are always transcended>>>

We are all aware that institutes like MIT & Stanford, et al are renowned for making America till today the largest producer of successful ventures in the world. The philosophy which works there is such that people tend to develop the entrepreneurial thinking which still today lacks in India. People there have to earn themselves starting at 18 itself as their families are not interested in sponsoring them except their college fees, or some not even them. They have to either get a scholarship, or do part time jobs. People who don't get scholarship, & are lazy enough to avoid part time hardships in addition to the labour of attending classes, have that philosophical thinking to make themselves self employable, as resources & community is that sound to accept the change. Some of them, as shown in television series, even manage to have cool relationships {<3}& can showcase the attitude. But in India the latter aspect has been replicated properly & former been neglected.

India certainly has seen a lot of development on the Entrepreneurial front in recent days. Almost all the colleges are having E cells (Entrepreneurship Cells) attached to them. These E cells are built with a vision & mission to pitch in or enhance entrepreneurial thinking within the community & to provide tools to them which can sharpen their entrepreneurial skills. In simple words, if you have skill, don't waste it in working for others, be self employable & create employment for others. This is what is needed to sustain economic development in India. This not only increases employment rate of the country through enhanced human resourcing but also every new venture created & its R&D will contribute to the manufacturing sector in India. And we would certainly see monopoly within goods & gadgets having a Made in India tag rather than Made in China. This feeling has certainly made me proud of recent competition to the biggies like Nokia, LG, Samsung, etc, provided by our very own Micromax, Spice, etc. The Indian community needs to understand that these mobiles are available for cheap, because apart from taxes they have cheaper parts in them, imported from China. It's important here to understand that these locals will need some time for their R&D to reach the levels of biggies like formers. The Indian community needs to support them. India offers a market of more than twice that of America. These mobile companies are going to offer tremendous entrepreneurial opportunity in coming future. Ventures writing applications for them, ventures manufacturing parts for them, communication research labs working on them, customer services, HR, etc.

Now coming back to what I was talking about as the topic goes. The E cells today are concentrating more on conducting events & other projects, which no doubt provides a learning base for the community. But there is a thing that they miss out on. Entrepreneurship is also a science in itself & practical knowledge is to be supplemented to the theoretical knowledge that is gained through the events. In simple words, just participating in events will make a person aware of some skills that he was not aware of before. But what next? He won’t understand the power of those skills, unless he uses them. Lots of stuff read, heard & seen, when to act? People who dream can dream further only if they can practically research their dream, (dreams getting transcended)! E cells today are recognized by the best event they organize or the biggest prize money they give away. But who is considering the number of ventures it successfully started. Or how many people started off without being a part of that E cell & without participating in any competition that it facilitated. What if the latter exceeds the former? What's the use of that E cell then?

The E cells need to concentrate on this very aspect of making the community hands on their skills. No matter what, each member of the community should START-UP. This is what is going to make, CEL-BITS stand tAll within the community of E cells. With the creation of Sparks NV in 2009, CEL has taken that very step towards bridging the gap between facilitating only theoretical skills & actually working on them. At, Hyderabad, CEL is going to again take a plunge with the creation of Technological Entrepreneurship Development dept. (TED) soon. This would make for the lack in practicality of Entrepreneurship. No matter what, students should start ventures, & try making them sustainable & scalable. It’s innocuous whether it fails or succeeds. They are after all in the protected environment of the campus. It's not compulsory to think of a big idea, participate in a B-plan comp., win it, & contact VCs. You can think small, take a small but impact creating Idea, work on it, 'transcend' it. It will give you practicality of Entrepreneurship, it will certainly make you a true leader, and it will make you stand tall in life. If 100 worked on, at least 1 will succeed, it’s better than not to work on even a single venture.  You get 99+1 case studies in return! This very aspect needs to be concentrated on by E cells. Only WORDS won’t create a leader, WORK is equally important! Don’t just create competitions, also create ventures!

Dreams cannot be transcended, unless they are worked upon, if they are worked upon, these dreams would expand to be worked upon again & never can thus be fulfilled, ending nowhere, it’s a loop! But if they aren't worked upon, how can they be expanded?

-My Weird dreams...